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Greek Vases

Greek pottery has always been an attention grabber with the smooth voluptuous curves of the vase, the beautifully carved figures and the intricate design work are all qualities that make up Greek pottery. The vase shown is the type of Greek pottery that is called Panath-enaic amphora which was normally filled with oil and would have been awarded as a prize to the victor of the Panathenaic games which was held in Athens every four years. This vase is perhaps the best example of a vase shape made to serve an official function. This shape was very standard at the Panathenaic games, and each one could hold approximately forty-two quarts. The typical decoration on these amphora vases were always in the panels of the body of the pot. The front typically decorated with an armed Athena and the back usually featured an illustration of a competition.

The back of this vase portrays a competition called foot races where the competitors raced over various distances. Here, four men and a youth race each other so that they might have the opportunity to win on of these vases filled with oil, a prize that was highly coveted.

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